Sunday, January 15, 2023


 Any excuse to go to London, right?

I love London, I can't deny it.

With Christopher we always go to the movies on Christmas day. And then we usually watch "big movies" at least twice. Once in dubbed versions, just because that is what available readily / at the big theatres / in IMAX etc. And then with the original sound, just because... well, thats the original, right?

We went to the movies on Xmas day, and watched "THE" big movie, Avatar, but then, as it happens, no original sound screening in IMAX in my country. There might have been other option, but hey, it is Avatar. Made for IMAX.  We looked for the closest theatres which was Vienna. but for some reason train tickets and accomondations cost an arm and a leg in all January. 

Then we tested the theory "sometimes it is cheaper to go to London", and loo and behold, it was, and as I already stated, any excuse to go to London. We have a saying to abot "tieing together the useful and the pleasant", in this case wee did the pleasant and the pleasant, and so it turned out that this trip became my Christmas present from my boy. 

We have not been there for long, 3 days, 2 nights, didn't even managed to do "big things", museums, or big sights, but wondering around, see a friend who has a costume workshop, see a small exhibition, see "the" movie, eat at the place they filmed Sherlock, 

and I still take it as a great present from life (and my boy) that I could spent this couple of days with my son. he is 22, and who knows, how long wants to go anywhere with me, and not with someone else. (Don't get me wrong, he has friends, he travels without me, that is why it was extra special).

I am planning other posts with more pictures (that are more on topic of crafts and historical clothes, so bear with me)

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