Friday, May 31, 2024

New Year's Good Luck Sweater (for 2023)

 I am almost t the point where I am caught up with the last few year's New Year's Good Luck Sweater (and their documenting).

If you are a reader of this blog, you might be familiar with the concept, if not, you can read about it, let's say, HERE, (which makes me realize that the idea, or we can call it tradition is 12 years old this year.), but I mention it, roughtly at least once a year, when I do knit that New Year's sweater. That makes it a dozen new Year's sweater, most of them red. 

The basic rule is for it, that there is no rule, or more like everyone can make their own. Mine were that these good luck sweaters should be dominantly red, I start it as soon after mindight of january first as I can (if I am up at the night, then right after midnight, if I am asleep first thing in the morning, you get the idea), and knit on nothing else, until its done (except for times, like the movies or travel, when I need something I don't have to look at). For the last few years it did take me increasingly long to knit it, I even stopped one before finishing it, and I wasn't as strick about knitting it exclusively. But at the end of last year I finished those that waited for them, and I swore to keep my rules more strictly this year (which I did, this year's item is finished, blocked, though not photographed, yet). 

This one I started on january first 2023. I had my eye on the pattern since I first translated it for DROPS, some years ago (I checked, it was in 2017), though I knew that instead of the DROPS  Merino Extra Fine, I wanted to make it from the DROPS Flora yarn. I have plenty of DROPS Flora in my stash, so I only had to take down the appropriate box to pick them out.

As usual, I knitted the cardigan as per instruction until the armholes were finished, then added stronger waist shaping and longer cuffs at the wrist, but the pattern is pretty well written, and the diagrams are simpler to make than they look. 

Photos: Norbert Varga @Bodeszphoto

Yarn: DROPS FloraDROPS Flora

P.S: I am not angry at the photos... but it was effing cold that day. 

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