Monday, June 3, 2024

Men's historical (renaissance) shirt

 This post mostly for documentation reasons. I've already made a historical shirt to my other half, some times ago, and this was not that much different, though I have tried to imptove fittings. 

The shirt was made for a team-mate/friend/dancing partner, Márton, from linen we bought from Bublákovo.

As shirts basically have not changed for a few hundred years, the same rectangular patterns, and principals are used for them, from the 15th century up until the early 19th century. 

Shirts are the basic piece of many full historical garb, they serve as a base layer, often even in place of underpants (they are long enough just to tuck them between the legs), and even as a nightshirt. Thus they were changed and washed frequently. (Just ask me about the test about bathing and changing shirt on one of our reenactment).

These shirts were also made with very efficient use of fabrics, from rectangulars. For pattern I used the tutorial on Morgan Donner's website, and the old shirt my friend gave me as a sample.
I did ask Marci, if he wants ties or fabric buttons, and he chose ties. 
As usual, I sewed the long, inner seams with my sewing machine, but the inner edges, the collar and the cuffs were tacked down by hand. 
It was a relatively short, enojable project, for once I did (could) manage to measure the time it took me to do (about 12-13 hours).
The modell (my customer) is Márton Nagy
Photos by Norbert Varga @Bodeszphoto

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