Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Venice, Venice, Venice.. and more Venice.

I was standing there on the bridge between the parking lot and the historical inner city of Venice, thinking " Oh my god, I am here. I am REALLY here."

About 30 years ago, coming home from a business trip, from Milan to Budapest, I was sitting in a car, at a sign saying „Venice that way to XX kilometers”, and I was begging the driver with teary eyes to go and see. We had time, we still had money; we were sitting in a car, but no, no and no. The more I asked, the harder the no was as things were (Icantparkthere, the carwillbestolen, toomuchtourist, itsonlyatouristtrap and I can still list the excuses). 30 years passed, so many things happened, I even got to travel rather far, but Venice, Venice eluded me. 

Until Geri from a historical costuming group mentioned about a year and a half agom that he is planning to organize a trip for the group to go and be part o the Venice Carnival. From the first moment I was jumping up and down "yes, yes, yes, i wanna goooooo". A year and a half went on, with qiute afew meetings, discussion, saving money, Facebook chats and whatnot, renting a flat on AirBandB, planning the trip, changing a lot of details, but on 1st, I was standing on thet bridge, with tears in my eyes, thinking. Oh, my God. I am here. I am REALLY here.

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