Monday, April 11, 2022


Every so often I wow to myself, that I write some stuff about our travels, but rarely get around to it... 

And even so, I guess this is a post that starts... and continues I guess in a rather familiar way...


Ever since we know each other, we've been talking about going to London (and to England in general, but London in particular). I have been there with Christopher twice already, N. have been there with his collegaues, even only for a short time, so the place wasn't totally strange to neither of us but with all our travels, we've never been together. 

First we had other travels (Croatia, Pragua, Germany, Italy), and then Covid happened, that severly limited the traveling possibilities. 

However, this year things got easier, and there were vague talks between again about London... Very vague. However, when our faborite band put out a post that said they are going to London, we looked at each other and asked, "when if not now?" A quick look around about tickets and hotels, we realized that with the discount airlines and such, it does not cost much more than if we'd go to a city at the edge of our country... besides, yes, those plans. So I worked day and night and some more nights to finish up my work, packed up my backpack, and there we went. 

And here you go, a few totally random pictures.

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