Thursday, February 9, 2017

Yarnlovechallenge... community

I've been always enchanted by the community aspect of knitting, especially what the Internet helped to develop, so much I even wrote my BA thesis on it.
Every since I got faimilar with the Internet I looked for and found friends, but I was also working on making an actual live community... It started out as the late Budapest International Craft Club, but then turned into wednesday night knitting and then turned into something else, then I went to university and let it slip, and then someone else started doing knitting meetings... but change is a part of life. However I was organizing WWKIP day, back when in Hungary even knitters laughed at the idea of getting together ina cafe to knit.
At the beginning there was only a few of us.
Then a bit more...
 Sometimes new people came...
 I even thaught my friends to knit, in order to show them how it can forge friendships and communities.
 And how it can bring together a Mexican-American, a truly English and and a Hungarian woman... (along with many others).
And these are only examples what community and knitting means to me.

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