Tuesday, January 2, 2024

New Year, now what?

 For days I have been contemplating whether to write/ make my year-end montage, and / or summary... And at the end I have not made that montage, because I have not felt like I am up to it.

The truth is, as happy and optimistic I was in 2018 and 2019, and even though in 2020 The Plague plagued my existence too, we were not that bad off. I was working through, we even managed to travel, and what I have not expected, that once it will (mostly) go away, I will struggle.

There I said it, my year was not the best. Okay, it was not the worst, 2008, and the period between 2010-2014 would be really hard to beat, but things are... ambigouos to say the least. And though there are parts of my life that are okay, in more areas things are not, and I do not see, how could I turn things around. 

Anyhow, having troubles on the work front meant, I could sew more than I usually do, and at the end of the year I had a good run with knitting. For the longest time I do not make New Year's resoltuions, because I just cannot keep them. I do have two must do project at hand, I already started the New Years Good Luck Sweater, and I have a full set of clothes to make a new-for-us period.

Blogging-wise the year was.. not that good either I think. Posted more than some years, but much less, than in the old times. And since there are hardly any responses, I never know if there is anybody around to read, even if I keep telling my Instagram friends, that we should do this (blogging, instagramming etc) for ourselves, not for counting likes and followers, still some response would be nice from time to time.

I do have a couple of projects from last year to post about it, we managed to do some photos over the holidays, and a couple more is waiting to be photographer, so I will have things to post about a while, then we'll see. 

In other words its not all cake and roses over here either, and once in a while I do give in to self pity and whining. 

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