Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mother's day

It was a bit late (as in Hungary Mother's day is the FIRST Sunday of May). In bigger classes they don't even try to find a date which would be good for everyone, but in a class as small as ours they do... The price was two weeks of delay, but it was worth it. I didn't think I would be, but I was moved.

Their present was a small flower they planted and cared for and a card they made from dried flowers. They also colored their own headress too.

The "real" mother's day was put off for me, as Chris was with his father, who "forgot" to remind the kid, or even stuck some flowers or a bunch of lilacs from the garden of his lakehouse... But as he said some years ago, I didn't deserve it, so I didn't really expect it, but still felt sad...


Anice kötős blogja said...

You are not alone. My hubby didn't care about it either, thou we are still married and have five kids.

The celebration at school must have been wonderful. Chris-butterfly is lovely on the photos.

Brussels Chronicles said...

I love the pics of Chris ! I did not get any "present" this year but I did get a bunch of flowers and the drawing Hanna made me in school. The real present is the child itself though. And you have that every day of the year ! Wonderful ! (no idea why P. thinks you have to "deserve" a mother's day present... you're a great mother, one would think that should be all that is required ... LOL !)

Anonymous said...

We don't call him PJ for nothing, that's for certain! I hope that once my manlets are full grown, I might get flowers, a card, a phone call... but for now? Nothing. Ah well. Their father is a jerk & can't be bothered to make sure they do SOMETHING for me - he does, however, make sure they acknowledge HIS mother and his wife. Jerk.