It took me fairly long but at the moment I finally feeling better. On wednesday I went back to the doc, telling her that I am ready to do anything just to be able to breath, and she did prescribed an even stronger antibiotics... But by Thursday I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, and by Saturday things looked rather sunny... Oh, maybe the weather was sunny??? Anyway I was well enough to go to the knitting store and hold my sock knitting class, and pick up the last ball of yarn I needed to finish my "Casual friday" sweater. A top down cardigan from jeans blue yarns (softened with a bit of spring green). The pattern is very simple one, but I will write it up, just in case...It is getting blocked at the moment, I only need to get buttons. Who would have thought that having enough buttons to fill a small haberdashery is still not enough? I can't find matte light blue ones, or silvery metal ones in the right size... getting modelled picture will be the question of time, light and someone to shoot them. Until then...

Since I spent so much time home I could manage to spend considerable time to knit.. and spin, yay). There was a nice advancement on my Venezia:

Oh, my... it is the slowest thing I ever knit... I mean there is 250 and some stitches in a row/round and it is heavy fair isle, but boy, it takes me about 20 minutes to do a row (some even more, only one or two of the repeat that takes less). But it is amazing. Even magical... Even though I am on the fourth repeat I still cannot see the "whole picture" while knitting it. I consult the chart and I knit. I knit "two white, two blue, three white one blue, one white one blue, three white, two blue two wite " and so on... by the time I recognize some repeats I am at the point for starting the next row, which is totally different... After a few rows though, there it is, the intricate drawing emerging

Since the Venezia is not something I can take in my bag to carry around... first it is worked from two cones of yarn, each of them about 800 gramms, and I will NOT carry that weight, and it needs much closer attention than being able to knit it in a doc's office or in a cafe...therefore I needed something for that purpouse. I seem to run into a red period and after the red ruffled jacket and some more red yarn waiting to be knitted the queen of second hand came home with a red jacket for the spring... it is RED. Needs to be toned down a bit... needs a scarf. And I had a ball of Malabrigo lace I got from BlackKitty more than a year ago... It is only 50 gramms not enough for a big thing. I originally wanted to to the traveling rose but the strong contrast makes it to busy for that pattern, needed something simpler...

And guess what... with the warmer weather the urge to knit lace hit me... (or I was just fed up with the fair isle for the moment???)

Wow, that's a lot of WIP... and all so beautiful ! Happy knitting !
Your Venezia is beautiful. I am amazed by color work like that!
Oooh, it's coming along so nicely, that fair isle! :) I love your new sweater, it would look awesome paired with a white buttoned blouse & jeans! ;)
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