Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Weekly SO

 Fashion edition.

I strongly dislike high waisted pants, and I absolutely HATE the fact that nowadays, one practically cannot buy anything else. 

I went into a couple of stores, including H and M, which does have a considerable selection of denim pants, but for friday's sake, there is about fifty different styles, and maybe of them even have medium waist, and there is none with low waist.

No, don't get me wrong, of course, I do not want those really love waisted jeans, from which one's pubic hair could be seen, however, I have a short waist. NOT a short uppre body, but the distance between my belly button, and my hip  (is this the seating depth?) is short. 

I always struggled with pants being too high for me. At a time, for example, when I was sewing a lot from Burda patterns, I thought that this has to do something with the german bodies, they are taller, and that is why the pants are high for me. Admittedly, I did not understand, until I've seen some historical clothes on myself on pictures taken from the back. I do not know why was it, but that was a real AHA moment for me, making me understand, why I feel that I need to turn down the waits of literally every pants I wear, be it trainers, PJ's, jeans, or tailored pants. 

Now I approach pants with extreme caution. I look at many sites and shops, especially since my size fells into that gray zone just what is between regular sizing and... how to say it.. chubby sizing...

Even when in my favourite source (online shop called Pomme Plus) that caters exactly to these in-between sizes says, that the waist of a certain pair of trousers are "nich and high, and no belly would show" I am thinking: "well, those pants would be kind of thight at my underarm " (to quote my grandmother). LOL. 

Anyhow, I do not think these cuts do much for most women, except for very tall, very thin ones, and there are people whose body is not like that, and it would be cool, if we could just BUY something else. 

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