Saturday, March 8, 2025


 This is something I finished more than a year and a half ago, and never managed to post about it...

Why? I do not know. Mybe because I am not completely satisfied with it?

I wanted to knit this pattern for literally YEARS, even before I knitted my New Leaf sweater, but I kept putting it off. Then, after quite a few succesful stranded sweater, I took out some ... you guessed it, gray sock-yarn, and handdyed red.

Knitted it mostly to the pattern, and only adding some lines of dots to the patterning on the cuffs, to -kind-of- mimic the long cuffs I love.
Wearing it a few times I feel that the sleeves could be wider, and when I move more than usual, a strange puckering occurs above the breast
Which makes me want constantly pulling down the hem. 
You see, that puckering? It annoys me, maybe that is the reason I waer it less, even though I do love the drawing of the pattern itself.
Pattern: Gardengate
Photos: Norbert Varga @Bodeszphoto

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