Monday, January 6, 2020

New Year's roadblocks

Ahhh the New Years Good Luck Sweater….. You might remember, I've written about it here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and I did knit one last year, though it took me considerably longer than before (two month to be exact).
Ever since I’ve done it, I haven’t started it this late but kept bumping into blocks... most of them I've put up myself. Over the years I made this set of rules: whatever I make should be for me, it should be started on the first, and I should not knit on anything else until it is done (except for the times I cannot knit on it - like in the movies, or in the car - for those times I can knit on something very simple, like socks) - knowing how easily I toss projects aside, this rule is not as easy as it seems...And it should be red. In the FB group for the new years sweater adventures,I keep telling everyone, that the rules are flexible, and everybody can bend them as they see fit - no, it does not HAVE to be red, it does not HAVE to be a sweater, I don't even mind if it is not knitted, etc.. But with myself... I am much strickter. I've set the rules, so no, it is not okay to finish something I've started last year, no it cannot be something smaller, like a hat and call it done... Also I have a long standing debt to someone, and now I wow-ed to myself o finish it, and I feel bad to start something complicated before I do - se the catch 22 there?... and so on, and so on... But then, after whining about it for a couple of days, I finally got up, took down a box of yarn, decided what should it be, and on the 3d I finally started.

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