Monday, June 23, 2008


Isis wrote this in the comments
I thought this over when I started knitting/crocheting again after a long interval and for me it is clearly because I NEED to create things with my hands... baking bread works too and so does gardening/planting things. I have a brainy job and doing things I can actually touch with my hands keeps me sane and balanced (or so I hope). It's a need, a drive, much like an artist feels the need to create art I suppose.

You are right. That is also part of it. Even from my early childhood I hade to make things. Do stuff with my hands... Gardening, baking too... but MAKE things. Sew, make clothes, blankets. Knit. Bead, make jewlery. Whatever. Just DO...


Brussels Chronicles said...

This is the reason you are my best friend: you agree with me, you tell me I am right! LOL !!!

peony said...

Yesss my dear, i do agree.