After I showed you last time (in November) what I pack up in my knitting bag for a longer tip, I was talking to someone, that knitting as much as I do, and trying using times, that otherwise would be... Like travelling in the car, when Norbert drives, or on a train, in university classes, etc. and knowing what I can and cannot knit in certain circumstances, I a) take more knitting with me than I should, and b) plan carefully what I take. And my friend said it might be fun (and maybe interesting for others?) to show from time to time, what do I take with me and why.
Back in November, I showed what was in my bag for a long trip with long drives, but less time in between (daytime).
Today, I will show what was in my bag for a two day (one night) trip at Christmas, when we went to see Norbert's family. Both day we had shorter (1-1,5 hours), one daytime, and one nightime, and I had time on the morning, because usually I wake up earlier, while N. sleeps longer. I also knit a lot on Norbert's family gatherings. I love them dearly, and they never ever hurt me not one word, but not even with one look. But they are a lot. I mean his sister has four kids. And he has cousines, and aunts and... And they are loud. And they learned very soon, that when I sit down in a corner to either sew or knit, it is not because I do not love them, I am hurt, angry, or don't feel god.. I do listen to what they talk about but I feel much better, if I have something in my hand.
In the bag I had a historical stocking. I need to replenish my stock, and I was asked to have some from pure wool... I need to look at this one once in every row, at the back, where is a zig-zag pattern and decreases and increases for shaping, so I can knit this in the car, but I need light. I also knitted on this when visiting.
I had some modern socks, that have long streches without shaping. I do need to knit the toes and heels either daytime, or at home/in the hotel, etc, and count the rows of the feet and the leg, but otherwise, I can knit onthem in the car, at night, without light. I did finish this one since, You have seen the full pair in the
Sockharvest of 2024 post.
For sock knitting, I count rows (not measure, but that will be a topic for one Strong Opinion post some wednesday), but interestingly enough, whenever I stop knitting on (for example a sock) because I think I have just about enough rows, after counting I often find I either stopped exactly where I needed to stop, or I need one or two rows, but not more. When I stopped the sock above, because I needed to count, when I have to change for ribbing the cuff, i knitted on the purple cotton sock, I started, back in October, you have seen it on our netherland trip too. It is still not finished.

The morning I waited for Norbert to wake up, I was working on my Soft Tweed cardigan, I started last january, but stopped several times, the last, because I needed to figure out how to put the pockets in. Thankfully I found the appropriate DROPS video, I sent myself the link, so I could watch it from my phone, put the pockets in, and knitted on it. Unfortunately, I could not finish it before the new year. I did take it with me, and knitted on it, when we had to drive an hour to take care of something and back, but it still needs to have the bottom ribbing knitted on. However, at home, I knit on the New Years Sweater for now.
For late night drives, I have yet another scrappy neckwarmer with me, with a few balls of random leftover sock yarn, so when it is dark and I run out of other things to knit, I throw a few rows in it.
And just for safety measures (ensuring I really do NOT run out of things to knit, I had some already halved and balled up sockyarn with its needles. I did cast it on, and started to knit it since, but I feel it is a bit too thick for socks, and have not decided yet if I would finish it or frog it.
I also took two balls of DROPS Flora for a hat with stranded knitting. Remember, when I said I was wondering if I should have cast on a hat for a new Years Good Luck (red) knit? This is that one. I did cast on and knitted two rows on it at New Years eve, but stopped just before the latvian braid, and after midnight on New Years Day, I cast on the Good Luck Sweater.
What about you? Do you knit while you are out to travel? Do you think over what you take with you?
If you do, how do you decide what to take with you? Are your friends and family tolerant of your knitting?
Or do you only knit in your home?
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