Monday, September 3, 2012

Weekly spinning: a year worth of fall

Which means I've spun this fall colored wool for many months.
It looked like this when I bought it:
And for a year o so this was my spinning on the travel spindle. I took it with me on trains, on knitting meetings. I got way ahead with it when I spent two days spinning last august in the big craft fair.
My spindle lost its head in the meanwhile, took a while before I found someone to fix it for me. 

But at the end I finished it, but since I had 200 gramms of wool I kep some of it to spin thicker, but that was done on the wheel.
The lace weight turned out to be about 1200 gramms and 1000-1100 meters, two ply, spindle spun.
And I leave you with an other close up, just because I think all those colors are soooo pretty.
Photps by Tamás Rigó and Veronika Nyerges.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

beautiful spindling!
greetings Tanja