Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Heti HV

A héten egy varrós téma...

Számomra éppolyan fontos, hogy egy darab, amit készítek, hogyan néz ki belülről, mint kívülről. 

Tudom, tudom. 

Tudom, hogy történelmileg (sőt, történelmileg különösen), a ruhák nem mindig néztek ki "profin' belülről. Olyan sok nem egyező varrást, befejezetlen (szegetlen) szélt, összevissza öltést, és egyebet láttam már. 

Azt is tudom, hogy többnyire senkinek sem kellene elég közel lennie az emberhez, hogy lássa a ruhája belsejét. 

Mégis, mégis, különös megelégedést ad a lelkemnek, ha egy különleges bélést, egy speciális ferdepántot használhatok, ha megtalálom a tökéletes cérnát és/vagy gombot, stb. 

Egy ideig azt gondoltam, hogy midez a gyári gyakorlatból származik, amikor varrni tanultam, az első évben az akkor még működő Május 1. ruhagyárba küldtek.

 Azonban úgy érzem, ez sokkal mélyebb igény, de nem tudom honnan jön.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025


 Today's post is late, as I had a bit of hard time, to figure out what to post abut. However, since some of you said, you would be interested in travel-pictures as well...

So I brought you some pictures from Sirok, in the north of the country, where here is a ruin of a fort / castle. The building originates from the time of the Hungarian's conquest of the Charpatian basin, though it is first mentioned in documents in the 14th century. It was rebuilt and reinforced several times in its history, the last time at the end of the 17th century, but after the failure of the freedom fight led by Ferenc Rákóczi the 2nd, the Habsburgs tore it down, to prevent further opposition. 

For a few years, they invite our foundation to celebrate the memory of the 1848 revolution and freedom-fight. The place is beautiful, though the middle of March is cold and the vegetation around is not yet green. 

Photos: Norbert Varga @ Bodeszphoto soon, I will bring pictures, where you can see not only the surroundings, but us too.

Monday, March 24, 2025

Weekly Pattern

This weeks pattern is something, that I ALWAYS take a second look on Pinterest, and I have it saved on more than one Pinterest Table. 

Picture from Ravelry, by the designer, Veronika Lindberg

The Designer, who goes by the name of Kutovakika seems to be popular, meaning that I hear her name/page mentioned quite often, when watching youtube videos. 
This sweater is has traditional fair-isle /stranded motives, and looks very versatile, as can be knitted as a pullover, or can be steeked to become a cardigan, and I also think that of someone would not like to cut into her/his knitting, but would still love to knit it as a cardigan, while has no qualms knitting stranded from its wrong side, the motifs are simple and geometric enough NOT to cause too much problem.

I'd officially taken this on my to-knit list, and if/when I do knit this, I would do in the same, or very similar colors to what we can see on this picture.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

No comment

 The road so far...

Friday, March 21, 2025

What the Friday?

 As I wrote last week, since I am -mostly- run out of UnFinished Objects, the What the Friday posts will be about stuff I find on sites like E-bay, Etsy, (and their Hungarian parts, Vatera), or even Facebook-marketplace and such...

Like THIS dress:

Picture from the E-bay selling site.
Copied and pasted here so it would not dissapear,
when the listing ends and/or they do sell this gorgeous dress.

Why do I find it interesting? 
This dress is the same style, proving two things: that this style was not only a one-off-but-not-typical style, but a thing, that was somewhat popular, and that ribbon embroidery was also a thing. 
It is also interesting that a dress like this can be bought for about 350 USD, that is really NOt an exorbitant amount, and would my circumstances a bit better, even I would consider getting it.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Weekend Program

Because some of you ask me sometimes, where can one meet our reenacting group, Mare Temporis, so I thought, I will tell you about our programs ahead, from time to time, where can you learn more about a given time period, the people of that time, their live, the way they dressed, etc. 

Bevause reenacting and historical interpretation is not only about dressing up in pretty clothes. 

This weekend, on Saturday, the 22nd of March, we will be in Vác, from head to toe in 18th century. 

We will be talking about the city, the beauty tricks, gastronomy, fashion, of teh age, and of course, Maria Theresa. 

Vác is rather close to Budapest, a train can get there as little as 25 minutes, and the museum is only about 10-15 minutes of walk from the trainstation. 

More about the program here (sorry, only in Hungarian).

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Weekly SO

 Row/stitchnumbers not centimeters.

I was listening to a knitting video-podcast, maybe even it was a knitting "hot takes" type, when I stopped for a moment, and my eyebrows shot up to my hairline. 

The youtuber stated, that whenever she needs to knit something in pairs she never counts rows, only measure the thing in cm-s (or inches, whatever, you understand I hope). 

I don't know, why this hit me, but I was like NO way. I would ALWAYS count stitches and rows and not measure. 

Partly, I think, that, by now, I have knitted so much, that my gauge is pretty consistent, I do not knit thighter or looser when I am angry, stressed, or sad. 

Partly... I don't even know, I just feel better, to go by rownumbers.

Of course, I do measure things like the length of a sweater or a sleeves, but once I knitted one sock (or sleeve, or a mitten, etc), I knit the second one with the same row/stitchnumber, not to the same measurements. 

The same way, when I increase/decrease at a side of a sweater, or under a sleeve, I always do it at XX rows, and not YY centimeters. 

How do you work? by row/stitchnumbers or centimeters... and why?